Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Gay Grinch 2009?

One of the reasons I shine the light of truth on the ugly side of homosexualist propaganda is because some in the GLBT community keep running after people's children without their knowledge or consent. Isn't Dan Savage the type of person who thinks it's okay to teach homosexuality to people's children without their knowledge or consent? Story here.


  1. I looked in vain for the part where someone was running after someone else's children without their knowledge or consent. Can you quote the portion or point it out?

  2. 1. Doesn't Mr. Savage believe that it's okay to teach children about homosexuality without the consent or knowledge of their parents?
    2. Don't you think it's okay to teach children in schools about homosexuality even if their parents don't want their children exposed to such teachings?

  3. Does it say any of that in the story you linked to? Usually when people say, "Story here," they mean the story they're talking about can be found here. But I don't find what you're saying when I click your link.

  4. You're correct. I've upgraded my poor writing. Now...I'll ask you again. Do YOU think that it's okay to teach schoolchildren about homosexuality without the consent or knowledge of their parents? (And I'm not talking about teaching children about leaving GLBT kids alone, no sane person would object to anti-harrassment training of children.)

  5. "And I'm not talking about teaching children about leaving GLBT kids alone, no sane person would object to anti-harrassment training of children."

    Actually, most of the people you idolize object to that. So, if that's not what you mean, then could you be more specific in what you mean by "teach schoolchildren about homosexuality"?

  6. To be more specific, I'm asking YOU if you think that it's okay to teach children in gradeschool (K thru 6th)about sexual acts between two males in sex-ed or health classes, without the knowledge or consent of their parents.


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