Saturday, December 23, 2017

Entire family embraces transmadness.

What kind of madness, what kind of absurdist reality do I live in?!  If somebody told me, twenty five years ago, that I would someday live in a society where people would deny the reality of their own genitals, I would have sought out psychiatric help for that person.  Yet here I am, blogging about an entire family gripped by transmadness.

I thank God every day that Jesus Christ has renewed my heart and mind to see the world with "eyes to see."  And it is the renewing power of the Holy Spirit that keeps me from despairing at massive, parental-fails like the one revealed in the video above.  Without the knowledge of Jesus Christ, people are doomed to accept the insanity of the concept that one can change one's born gender.  Gender is a biological fact; why do some people fight against that reality?!  I just don't get it.  Reality is that which exists even when it is ignored.  I will not join or be cowed by people who fight against reality. 

I am a heteroseparatist; I quietly separate from people who abandon heterosexuality.  All human beings are physically designed to be heterosexual, and those who have rejected heterosexuality are rejecting the reality of their own genitals.  Unless they are trying learn about the truth of Jesus Christ and get back to reality, why would I even bother to attempt to interact with a person who embraces psychotic denial?

I'm so glad my laptop is up and customized again!

More info on this insanity here.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Activist Mommy covers Jack Philipps' case. (Same day update.)

The busy Christmas season has hindered me from blogging, but this great video rose above the bar to blog about today.  The Jack Philipps case will determine the treatment of true Christians by the government of the United States of America. 

If Jack Philipps loses his case, the legal persecution of true Christians (I use the term "true Christian" to denounce the many false ones) will begin in this country.  It's funny how same-sex couples never harass Muslims for the routine murder of gays, but only seem to come after true Christians.

Membership in the glbt community is a choice, and to deny someone service because of their behavior is not wrong.

More info here.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Homosexual couple literally showing their a***s in public.

When I was young, the phrase, "showing your ass," meant that you were doing something very wrong in public.  Wow.  The homosexual mindset reveals itself yet again.

More info here.

Friday, December 1, 2017


This video is great!  Tucker Carlson asks common-sense questions that stump his opponents.  This is why I like blogging against homofascism, I have so much common-sense on my side.

Even though I know that the current phrase is "lgbt," I'm sticking with "glbt" because that's what it was when this blog started.  And the video above is why I refuse to try to keep up with what the non-hetero community is currently calling itself.

Since there are too many cooks, the alphabet soup of the gay community keeps changing, so I'm sticking with what they were calling themselves when they first attacked me. 

Anyhow, I'm chasing down another story of heinous homosexual behavior and the info for this post is here.