Monday, July 23, 2018

University of Minnesota embraces gender insanity.

I remember, in 1988 briefly dating a woman who refused to call men "men."  She would only use the word "people," when talking about men.  I ended my relationship with her shortly thereafter because she kept calling men "people," after I told her I was offended by the intentionally, feminist-inspired, genderless terminology.  She went on to become the prime, and ONLY suspect in her husband's "accidental" shooting death, exactly one year later. 

If a human being is so far removed from biological science and reality that the think that they are the opposite sex than their own genitals, that person is someone that I refuse to interact with in my personal life.  Along with being a heteroseparatist, I am also a genderealist.

It is absurd for a University to ignore biological science to accommodate the absurd demands of the glbt community.  At first, gays just wanted to stop being assaulted for being gay.  That makes perfect sense to me.  But now, if you don't call a man a woman, or call a woman a man, you can be fired from your job or be expelled from your University.

How did this madness come to be?!  With each passing month, the glbt community gives me more validation to hide myself from them.

More info here and here.

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