Wednesday, May 25, 2011

More gender denial.

Well. Here it is again. People denying the obvious differences between the human male and the human female. American culture is taking yet another step away from sexual sanity and teaching children that they are the gender that they think they are, regardless of what's between their legs.

Where do I buy stock in a company that provides materials and curriculum for homeschooling because, when more people find out about what's being taught to their kids, homeschooling is going to explode.


  1. Why are you so obsessed with something that less than 1% of the population has to contend with? Is it wrong to suggest that transgendered people deserve not to be mocked, ridiclued, harassed, assaulted and denied their right to live peaceibly and happily? Where does Jesus say that it is fine to harass anyone? Where does Jesus (or the Bible for that matter) say ANYTHING about someone who is transgendered? Isn't Jesus all about love? Why can't you just love people (and don't bear false whitness and say you do, because you truely don't)?

    For the sake of our country, I sure hope you are wrong about the whole home schooling thing. If it explodes as you indicate, we will be doomed......the Bible is totaly inaccurate as far as science goes.

  2. I’m “obsessed” with defending myself from a homoOrwellian society in which those that refuse to support homosexuality are persecuted by those that do. This blog is my response to the attacks that I’ve received from the glbt community. It is only “harassment” to those that are living a lie. Jesus IS about love and he wants to heal gays with His Holy Spirit so that they can enter into His Kingdom. But those who reject his commandments and His Holy Spirit won’t have the strength to turn from the gay lifestyle and cannot enter his Kingdom after they die.

    I could show you the verses where Jesus defines marriage and sinless sex,(Matthew 19:4-6)but you would just reject them as my “interpretation.” Also, the Bible won’t make sense to you until you know the real Jesus.

  3. Did I ask you where in the bible where it spoke of marriage or sex? I asked you where it said it was ok to harass transgendered people. Still waiting.....

    Attacked.....please. When your house is burned down, when you are beat to a bloody pulp, when bullets fly though you window or when you are murdered, we can have the discussion of you being attacked. Do you REALLY think that you have been pursecuted? Folks calling you out on your lies is hardly pursecution. You can't be the agressor and then claim victim. Sorry, no body is buying it.........

  4. Do you consider my blog as harrassing "transgendered" people?


Debate and discussion are welcome here, but attitude and ad hominem attacks will get you banned.