Monday, October 22, 2012

In front of children too?!


  1. I wonder where the children's parents were during this and why their parents found it acceptable for them to watch this. Sounds to me like their parents are okay with this sort of thing and deemed it appropriate for their children. I'd hardly call this indoctrination; that'd be akin to me saying parents are trying to indoctrinate their children into religion by bringing them to church.

    1. I wonder where their parents are also. And the true church is not on the same moral tier as a gay pride parade.

  2. Greg Quinlan of PFOX, in his interview with Peter Labarbera, was saying how in the early days, the gays he gave counselling to were almost all recruited by molestations. But in recent years he says an increasing number of young people he gives counselling to purported to entering the gay lifestyle because of all the affirmation in schools and media propaganda.

    1. Seducing young boys into the glbt lifestyle is their biggest and dirtiest secrets.


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