Monday, January 27, 2014

How homofascists influenced the APA. (Updated 02 Feb. 2014.)

Updated link (thank you Mr. Perera!) here.

No gay gene.

56th Annual Grammy Awards show celebrates same-sex "marriage."

I had every intention of watching the Grammy's last night but I got tired and fell asleep.  I knew that, if Lorde didn't win best song of the year for Royals, then the Grammy Awards were full of crap.

Then, lo and behold, I wake up to find out that the anti-Christ, redefinition of marriage was mixed in with true marriage at the end of the Grammy Awards last night. Even though it was apparently at the end of the show, I'm glad I missed it.

Sad story here and here.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Dr. Martin Luthur King Jr. on homosexuality.

"Maybe He's Not Gay" book upsetting child-chasing homofascists.


Once again, true to form, the glbt community is twisting-off because of a book that exposes their flawed logic and their intention to violate the civil rights of parents who do not support homofascism.
Even the Russians are now actively fighting child-endangering homofascism.

“…Homosexual radicals stand in an untenable position of deceit about the nature of their lifestyle and the real-world results of their behavior, and they detest any debate about it. That is why they aggressively work to stifle all voices that present the truth about the many and varied dangers of homosexual behavior. Instead of welcoming honest dialogue, they attempt to vilify, demean and ridicule those of us who present the truth. Their chief weapons are hostility and baseless name-calling …”

“…most of our kids are under a barrage of pro-homosexual propaganda in their schools, from the media and entertainment industries. …”

“… Homosexual activists are working feverishly to indoctrinate and recruit kids to their way of thinking, to view homosexuality as just another acceptable sexual preference, while they hide the awful side of it, the devastated minds, bodies and spirits of people who have plunged into homosexuality and paid a dear price for it. …”

“… Linda Harvey's book is a huge threat to the false claims of homosexual activists. This book busts the main myths of the homosexual movement – that people are "born that way" and cannot change, that those of us who warn of the dangers inherent in the homosexual lifestyle are "haters" and "bigots," that taking the leap into homosexuality at a young age will make you happy, …”

“… a gentle, thoughtful and clear way that leads young people through the illogic of the message of homosexual activist groups that don't tell young people the truth, and she guides them into the compelling logic of the truth about homosexuality. …”

“… homosexual activists are attacking Linda and her book with all the venom they possess. They have flooded her book's Amazon page with fake reviews full of nonsensical verbal assaults …”

Full story here.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Men who have sex with men 150 times more likely to catch AIDS.

"...the risk of HIV infection from sexual contact for MSM was approximately 150 times greater than the heterosexual male population in 2010."

Despite scientific, medically proved data, there are still people that want to tell children, without the consent of their parents, that entering the glbt community is okay.

The link to my supporting info is here.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Originator of "gay gene" debacle admitted defeat. (Updated 11 Jan. 2014)

I was seriously considering posting on the Evander Holyfield case when I stumbled upon this jewel.  In my efforts to find the original article in/on the Washington Blade I have only found this found this so far.

Monday, January 6, 2014

SCOTUS stops marriage redefinition in Utah. (At least temporarily.)

Why is the definition of a true marriage always called, "...a same-sex 'marriage' ban..." by the mainstream media?  Why is this manipulative, incendiary, terminology the go-to phrase of so many?  This is the type of mislabeling that inspired me to create the word "heteroseparatist" in the first place.  Because of my childhood, misinformation drives me up the wall.

By the same reasoning that people support the redefinition of marriage, (the concept that a same-sex couple should have the same access to marriage of a heterosexual couple) people support marriage between sterile, adult siblings or polygamists.  If the glbt community is allowed to redefine marriage, then other communities must also be able to redefine marriage.

Story here and here.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Second Annual Corkins Award. (Homofascist of the year for 2013.)'s second annual Corkins award (for 2013) goes to Dayna Morales, in the picture above.

Ms. Morales told a lie on a heterosexual couple who had done nothing wrong to her.  Not only did the heterosexual couple do her no harm, they had over-tipped her for her waitressing.  An undeserved attack from a homofascist is the type of behavior that created this very blog.

Story here.