Friday, April 1, 2011

If Christian, Muslum, or Jew, NO foster kids for you!

It's official. (This is not an April fool's joke.) British society has become a homoOrwellian reality, where gays are "more equal" than Christians. Now, in England, if you won't support the glbt lifestyle, you cannot adopt children!

<---These married Christians, Owen and Eunice Johns, have been denied the right to adopt children by London's High Court. What makes them unfit to adopt children? They are Christians, and will not support the concept that homosexuality is normal. It doesn't matter that they've fostered children before without any problems. It only matters that they won't support the glbt lifestyle.

"...Think about what this means. Britain has a huge Muslim population. Muslims, like Christians, believe that homosexual conduct is immoral. So do orthodox Jews. What the court is saying is that Christians, Muslims, and Jews are unfit to care for children simply because of their religious beliefs. ..."

"...Americans may think our First Amendment will protect us from this kind of thing happening here. Think again. In the appeal of Proposition 8, in which California citizens voted to keep marriage between one man and one woman, Judge Vaughn Walker ruled that Christian beliefs “harm gays and lesbians.”..."

My indisputable proof of British homofascism is here.

1 comment:

  1. If the case is what you say it is, I agree with you in this instance. If the judge stopped a parent from fostering kids based on this one belief alone, that is not right.
    I wouldn't be surprised if the ruling is overturned if this is the whole story. And I don't think that would ever become policy here. I have an evangelical sister who is a foster parent in New York State. Her faith has never been an issue. I'm on your side that it should never be an issue.


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