Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What heteroseparatism ISN'T about.

About four days ago, an anonymous commenter posted a link to this story on this blog, as if to imply that I supported this type of activity against gays.

It seems that no matter what I say, homofascists will not accept the fact that a person can refuse to support the glbt community, and NOT be motivated by hate, fear, or ignorance. I denounced proactive violence against the glbt community from day one in my Internet manifesto AND this blog; my proof is here.

I vehemently denounce this act of arson against the gay man in this news story, yet I still don't believe that a person can be born gay, and I support the concept/definition that a marriage is between one man and one woman.


  1. The rhetoric you choose to employ reeks of violence, whether or not you advocate literally burning gay people at the stake.

  2. This...

    ..."reeks of violence" to you? Emma, you must have some severe emotional problems to not be able to accept the fact that there are those who won't support the glbt community and are still NOT a threat to the safety of gays. When I explained heteroseparatism to the gay guy I work with, he understood it instantly and we work together without strife or hostility.

  3. Absolutely Not AnonymousApril 30, 2011 at 1:44 PM

    "When I explained heteroseparatism to the gay guy I work with, he understood it instantly and we work together without strife or hostility."

    He just doesn't want a hastle at work. Can you blame him?

    "Emma, you must have some severe emotional problems to not be able to accept the fact that there are those who won't support the glbt community and are still NOT a threat to the safety of gays"

    While you may not advocate violence specifically, judging SOLELY upon your posts, if given the chance you certainly would wish them out of existance.

  4. "He just doesn't want a hassle at work" How do you know him better than I do when I'm the one that works with him?

    I don't want to "wish gays out of existance," I want to reach out to the glbt community with the message of good news from God. But I will still defend myself from belligerent gays by merely walking away from and exposing the hatred of some/most in the glbt community via this blog. Gays like you claim to be fighting hatred, yet you come at me WITH hatred just because I've created a word to describe those who denounce hate AND homofascism. Many people feel like I do, but there was no single word to classify us. Now there is. That's why you hate me. I've given a stigma-free label to those who disagree with you and you HATE that. My response to your attacks and false accusations reveal this to everyone with a hate-free mind.

  5. Absolutely Not AnnonymousMay 2, 2011 at 6:17 PM

    1st of all, you are a CRAZY LOON. It is obvious that the poor guy just wants to get along and avoid a hastle. I don't need to know the guy, I just need to know that he is your co-worker.

    2nd of all, the LBGT community does not want YOUR version of "Gods good news message". If the LBGT community wants to hear "God's message" they will get it from a church that truly loves the LBGT people (those churches, by the way, understand that the bible is parable not fact), or they can get the message FROM GOD HIMSELF (Pat Robertson has no problem going directly to the horse's mouth, why can't they). What the LBGT community REALLY wants is for you and your bigoted brethern to just mind you own business and stop calling homosexuals facist, because you truely don't understand the word, and let us live in peace without having to constantly hear about YOUR biblical interpretations. Society was much more civil when religion was a private affair between an individual and his maker. But no, ARROGANT idiots like you must take it upon themselves to spread "the good message of God" door to door. Only YOU know to interpret God's will. Only YOUR God is the legitimate God. Sorry, you have no evidence at all that your views are correct, but you are deludeded and arrogant enough to be certain that they are.

  6. Lot of anger you've got there. Believing that all those who don't support the glbt community are bigots is pure homofascism. Some people are going to quietly walk away. If you don't want to hear the truth of the Word of God, you don't have to.

  7. Absolutely Not AnnonymousMay 2, 2011 at 7:34 PM

    "Some people are going to quietly walk away."

    UGH! If only that were the case......

  8. Would you like me to stop blogging about heteroseparatism?

  9. Absolutely Not AnnonymousMay 3, 2011 at 10:55 AM

    LOL! I personally would like it if you stopped blogging entirely!

  10. Absolutely Not AnnonymousMay 4, 2011 at 7:32 AM

    Oh. So now you delete your own posts? Can't stand for the world to see that you are a complete idiot? Worry not - ALL you posts point that out clearly. LOL! Even with all of your "challenges" with you boxing ring and chessboard graphics, you delete your own posts like a coward. If your message wasn't so insidious, you'd just be a pathetic joke.

  11. "If you don't pick a shorter name, your not posting here anymore."

    "Play my way or I'm going home, and taking all my toys with me! Wahhhh!"

    Like I said. You're a bully, and nothing but. :)

  12. @Emma

    1.Jesus Christ once used a braided whip to clear wicked people from his Church.

    2. If you don't like what I have to say here, don't read my blog.

    3. I will no longer post you heckling attacks. I will only post your comments when you can refute the FACTS of the links of my posts.

  13. @Absolutely Not Annonymous

  14. Well, as a servant of Jesus Christ, I'm capable of correcting myself. Perhaps if you would look to God, you would see how your sexual relationships with other men are wrong. You're on a collision course with the wrath of God, and yet you constantly increase speed. And you think I'M an idiot?

    You want me to be silent about homofascism because YOU'RE a homofascist. I make a post to denounce the arson attack on a gay man's property and you're infuriated? That doesn't show how psychotic you are? How come you can't point to any inaccurate facts in my posts? If you hate my blog so much, why do you read it?

    Pick a shorter name, and I'll give you your own post. And we can debate/clash like two men... oh wait...I should say one man and one person. Real men love women.

    If you don't pick a shorter name, your not posting here anymore. Rename yourself. "Absolutely Not Annonymous" is too clunky for a one-on-one-rumble-post.

  15. @Emma

    You misunderstand Jesus Christ. After a certain point, like say...the third slap, I AM allowed to defend myself. Since you CLEARLY ony want to heckle and provoke me, I'm done with you. I've made it clear to you that your post to refute the FACTS of my linked information were welcome, yet you keep coming at me with weird, childlike insults. I'm concerned for your future. But I'm going to have to cut you loose. Good luck.


Debate and discussion are welcome here, but attitude and ad hominem attacks will get you banned.