Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Letting children "choose" their gender, WITHOUT parental consent.
We all know the silly, nutty thoughts and beliefs that we had as children. And the Word of God speaks towards this fact;
Proverbs 22:15 Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child; The rod of correction will drive it far from him.
And, like they always do, the glbt community wants to circumvent parental rights and teach children that they can choose their gender.
It is evil to teach children what their parents have a moral objection to. It is wrong to deny that there are only two genders. It is absurd to ignore the scientific, biological fact that 99.93% of human beings are born either totally male or totally female. Don't those who reject the Word of God embrace science? So why does the glbt community reject biological, scientific reality?!?
What more evidence can there be that the glbt community wants to trample the civil rights of those who disagree with them? What would happen to a teacher who was caught teaching children Biblical lessons without parental consent?
The full info on this perverted story is here.
Sunday, February 18, 2018
Girl who wants to be a boy taken from her parents.
I presume that the picture above was supposed to be a parody. Now, the picture above has become a horrifying reality.
When the government, in the United States of America, removes a child from her parent's home, because the parent's won't support the child's gender delusion, my country has sunk to a new low.
“…Ohio government authorities forced parents to give up legal custody of their daughter after the mother and father said they opposed the girl’s decision to identify as a ‘boy’ and transition to being 'male.'
The Hamilton County Job and Family Services took legal custody of the teenage girl, 17, who, according to court records, suffers from gender dysphoria.
… The minor was diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and gender dysphoria after being hospitalized in 2016. Doctors decided that because she wants to identify as a male, she should be given testosterone and sex “change” drugs.
… But the girl’s parents objected, arguing that they did not think that such "treatment" was in their daughter’s best interest.
… it would simply be a way for the child to circumvent the necessity of parents’ consent,” Brinkman told the court.
Brinkman reasoned that the girl’s medically-affirmed depression, anxiety, and dysphoria indicate that she is in no position to make decisions which would result in permanent physiological changes. “It does not appear that this child is even close to being able to make such a life-altering decision at this time,” Brinkman observed. …”
Full article/story here.
Friday, February 9, 2018
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
Was Mark Salling a homosexual child molester?

A new cat and seven and a half hours of unwanted overtime between Jan. 30th to the 31st has kept me from getting to this story sooner.
I watched about four minutes of the tv show Glee to be completely turned off by the show's practical worship of sexual perversion to ever watch it again.
Like my Heavenly Father, I take no pleasure in the death of an evil person. On the other hand, a person who has no regard for the welfare of children or intentionally harms children, is someone I have no regard for.
Full story here and here.
Worth ten thousand words.
Why would a homosexual couple drive 120 miles to single out a servant of Jesus Christ, and attempt to get him to bow before their Godless lifestyle? Is that not hatred? Is that not the deliberate persecution of a true Christian? Didn't the glbt community say, to true Christians, that the redefinition of marriage "wouldn't change anything"?
Now look at what the gay community is doing.
The Word of God says that the members of the glbt community hate God. It's no wonder that they hate His servants.
Sunday, February 4, 2018
Rose McGowan fights back against transtyranny.
I choose have to put my strongest disclaimer on the video below for the inappropriate language it contains.
Apparently, a gender confused man wanted to heckle Ms. Rose McGowan when she was speaking at a public gathering. This is what pulled me into my fight against gender-deniers. Why do gender-deniers always have to be so obnoxious? I mean, I know that all members of the glbt community aren't obnoxious, but, why can't non-heteros leave heteros alone? Why is it that, to this day, I am persecuted for my decision to walk away from non-heteros?
What attracted me to this incident is that Ms. Mc Gowan speaks out against being labeled. For a brief moment, I was in complete synchronization with her. My heteroseparatist fight is against the false accusation of being called a "homophobe." It is my knowledge of the truth and the sorrow that that knowledge brings that powers my separation from the glbt community.
More info here.
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